Lemonaid Health (LMND Medical Group, Inc.) التطبيقات

Lemonaid – Doctor Visit $15 5.0.258
GET TREATED WITHOUT GOING ANYWHERE: BIRTHCONTROL PILLS, PRESCRIPTION TREATMENTS FOR UTI, SINUS INFECTION,ACNE AND MORE• Birth control, UTI, sinus infection, acne etc.• Takes 5 minutes to request a prescription.• 2-hour turnaround during business hours.• $15 visit fee. No charge if we can’t help.• Pick up your medicine from any pharmacy.• AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MI, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, VA and WAonly.• Confidential and private.EASY, SAFE AND SIMPLESave time, money and hassle and get a doctor’s prescription withoutgoing anywhere. Our visit fee is just $15. We review all ordersfaster than 2 hours during business hours [Mon-Fri 8am-5pm PacificTime]. Don’t take our word for it, read our reviews!TAKES 5 MINUTESIt’s even easier than you think to use Lemonaid.• Create an account and select a service.• Answer a few health questions.• Take a photo of yourself in the app – our doctors need to see whowe’re treating.• Select any pharmacy in your state.• Pay our $15 visit fee. If you’re in AZ, CT, GA, OH, OR, RI or VAyou’ll have a short video visit with our doctors immediately afteryou answer our health questions. In other states you don’t need avideo visit.• Wait for our message that says that a doctor has reviewed yourinformation and sent your prescription to the pharmacy, then go tothe pharmacy to pick up and pay for your medicine. If we need toask you any questions, we’ll call you or send you a private messagein the app. We can only give you a prescription if it’s safe to doso.• Read our treatment plan before you take your medicine. Message orcall us on 415 926 5818 if you have any questions.CHOOSE ANY PHARMACYWe’ll send your prescription to any pharmacy in your state. Justlike with any doctor visit, you pay the pharmacy for yourmedicines. Depending upon your health plan, your insurance maycover the cost of your medicines.OUR SERVICESBirth control pills – get a 3-month prescription for over 100brands of pills. We can start you on a new pill or give you arefill. You need to know your blood pressure.UTI/bladder infections – we help you get the prescription you needfast. UTIs are uncomfortable and you need the righttreatment.Sinus infections – get better quickly with the right antibiotic. Weonly prescribe treatment if your symptoms are consistent with aninfection caused by bacteria.Acne - we prescribe medicines that are stronger and more effectivethan over-the-counter products. We can refill existingmedicines.Hair loss – the medicine we prescribe stops and can even reversehair loss in men. It’s stronger and more effective thanalternatives you can buy over-the-counter without aprescription.Acid reflux (GERD) – we prescribe medicine that is effective atpreventing acid reflux unlike most over-the-counter, which onlyprovide temporary relief. We can refill existing medicines or startyou on new ones.Flu – take our treatment and get over the flu faster or avoidgetting the flu in the first place. We can give you a prescriptionif you fall into 1 of 2 groups: you don’t have symptoms, but you’vehad recent close contact with someone who has the flu, or; you havesymptoms combined with a chronic medical condition, pregnancy, oran outbreak in your area. You need to start taking the medicinewithin 48 hours of symptoms starting. AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MI, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, VA and WAONLYService available in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida,Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania,Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington only.WHAT ELSE TO KNOWWe take a number of steps to protect your personal information. Seeour Privacy Policy for details. Read our Consent to Telehealth forimportant information about our service. The doctor who providesyou with care will be licensed in your state.